Bob Guess from Restoring America

"Bob Guess is an author and Freedoms Coach, dedicated to empowering Americans to plenarily understand and appreciate our freedoms. With over 33 years in the financial accommodations industry, formerly an Office of Supervisory Jurisdiction in the securities business, Bob understands the economic and financial frustrations many Americans often experience. We who care about our country, want positive change, but don’t ken where to commence, or where to probe for answers. Bob’s coaching is designed to avail us celebrate, optate, and act on our own behalf and not just accept what the regime dictates. His goal is to empower us to take a stand on future legislation, abstract the blindfold of political illusion and put us back on track to genuinely relish life, liberty and the pursuit of jubilance."

Bob Guess has wrote a few books about America's freedoms, very interesting. If you care about freedom or rights; you must check out his books.

Bob Guess is an awesome person, very wise and astute, and over all ambitious and caring.


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I'm Angel Hernandez and I take black and white photos