
Dandelions are one of the plants that I most like. When I see a dandelion my impulses make me blow the dandelion, giving dandelion seeds their freedom. 
This is one of the six bridges that take us into Downtown, Jacksonville, FL. Actually I don't like this bridge but this is the way Sara (I called my mom's phone GPS Sara) told us to go but I have to admit it, the bridge does looks good in black and white; the real color is a pale red.
I don't recall where I took this picture but anyways I like it! And I wanted to share it with you guys/girls that visit my blog.

I didn't took this photography but the person that took it gave it to me, so now I own it and you can own it too in original size and full color (free but if used online or in any other way, PLEASE link it to my blog or credit me).
I love geese, my favorite type of animals are birds, and they do fit in third place of my bird list. I love their colors: brown, white, black and a light gray.


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I'm Angel Hernandez and I take black and white photos